We want the brightest and best to come here, says woman banning the brightest and best

WHY DON’T THEY UNDERSTAND THAT WE JUST WANT TO LEAVE? A woman well known for her ability to hold down a position of responsibility has opened her mouth again. She has been sacked, twice, by one of the most irresponsible governments in history. This merely displays her high calibre in the looking-glass world that is Brexit Britain.

Leave means leave, and Brexit means it’s OK to be horrible to foreigners, dogs, and the poor. If nothing else, it is being able to cut off your nose to spite your face, then go on to political chat shows to complain when anybody points this out.

“Black is white, up is down, the Emperor is wearing the finest garments, and anyone who says otherwise is a woke lefty!” exclaimed the woman to anyone who would listen. Unfortunately, this means her drivel is presented as fact on every front page in the land.

Education is her woke hobby horse of the moment. “We will always want to attract the brightest and best to come from abroad to give are cuntry a leg-up,” she said. Alleged journalists nodded sagely and failed to question her assertion. This was great stuff, front page news. Who says that Brexiters hate foreigners?

“But we must stop them coming into are universities,” she continued. Her fan club failed to notice anything wrong with this.

The woman, clearly flustered by the adoring silence, gave herself a prompt.

“Why do we do this?” she asked. “I’m glad you asked,” she answered. “We need to free up space for British people. British people who beg for huge loans which will make us richer. I mean, help the economy grow. Why should we waste are precious resources educating foreigners?”

Quite so.

“So the brightest and best will not come here to work on their brightness or bestness,” she concluded. “That’s what the inferior foreign universities are for!”

The Emperor is naked, old, flabby, and wrinkled, but only the woke lefties realise it.

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