Badenoch tears up EU red tape preventing sale of snake oil

YOU PAYS YOUR MONEY AND YOU TAKES YOUR CHANCES : The UK’s trailblazing Business Secretary has today announced she’s not content to let the ever expanding field of NHS waiting lists go untilled.

”Just think,” she said, in what critics said was more evidence of her shouting at people to do what she says, but not what she herself does, “if we hadn’t have left the EU you could neither dine outside on the pavement in our car centred towns and cities, and you’d have to wait to see an actual doctor. Well, who’s laughing now?”

Take that Brussels!

”As part of our ever growing list of freedoms, now that we’re free of EU red tape, you can not only enjoy greater fun examining your tap water under a microscope, you can now enjoy a plethora of hitherto outlawed options to treat yourself. In. The. COMFORT. Of. Your. Own. home.”

The Secretary went on to explain that outdated rules prohibiting the sale of snake oil are to be torn up.

”I admit this may fuel some health tourism to the UK,” she admitted, “as eager foreigners rush to take advantage of a simple bottled remedy to treat even the most complex of ailments.”

The EU itself has so far refused to publicly comment on the sale of snake oil within the UK’s borders, although both Gibraltar and Northern Ireland won’t be enjoying the sunlit uplands of health care diversity.

However a source in Brussels did speak to us off the record, saying “Snake Oil? That’s Brexit for you.” We are attempting to have the comment translated in order to understand what the hell he means.

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