Channel migrants blamed for missing £37bn “spent” on Test & Trace

COMING OVER HERE : There’s been a few questions for some time in the United Kingdom over how in hell the half arsed Test and Trace system cost the taxpayer a cool £37 billion pounds? Especially when comparable countries managed working systems for a lot less money.

Clearly giving the NHS the resources, on the basis that local health authorities already have to trace infectious diseases, was a non-starter, because who’d get obscenely wealthy overnight if that happened?

“A few well connected private companies were chosen because it was payday,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “Would you have had us control the virus effectively like some sane, pragmatic and modern country? How many good chaps who donate to the Tories would have benefited from that? I mean once you determine that being poor is one of the greatest risk elevators in the pandemic it’s nothing to worry about.”

Still people are asking where the money went? Especially as for most the experience of the service is that it does not function properly, if at all, although that is the benchmark of Johnson’s Britain.

“It’s really quite easy to explain,” the source goes on, “once you perform a full frontal lobotomy on yourself. It’s the Channel migrants. France is sending them over in boats to steal the money and give it to the EU. Which of course faces bankruptcy every single day without British cash.”

That’s it. A few people in dinghies. They’re to blame for everything and not the scheming, inhuman con artists who decided to let it rip.

“I mean, it wouldn’t be so bad if they knew how to Conga dance and could pay homage to our glorious war dead in a public spectacle.”

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