“Embrace Brexit HARDER” – Downing Street launch new £350m publicity drive

SEEING IS BELIEVING : The decision of the great British public to abandon reality and the 21st Century together is looking pretty bloody stupid these days. More so each day. Happily reality is still of no interest to the Prime Minister.

Fantastical thinking will tell you that the apparent and accelerating failure of the Brexit project is not because it is inherently shit, otherwise the Official Opposition would clearly oppose it. More so given that now the Lexiters no long run the party it is solely a fascist Tory project.

To get ahead of the inevitable Labour pivot, once some genius works out why they’re always polling 10 points and more behind the government, regardless of what happens, ever since they voted for Johnson’s Oven Ready Brexit – thus handing the government open slather to write the Brexit narrative, Johnson is acting now.

“We’re launching a new mass publicity drive to urge Britons to believe in Brexit harder,” a 10 Downing Street source tells LCD Views. “We hope to convince those stubborn realists that don’t believe at all to add their auras to the power well and make Brexit a success. It won’t happen on its own account, as it’s an insane project.”

Accompanying the billboard and social media campaign will be a tutorial on how to infect yourself with dancing sickness, and additionally how to punch yourself in the face. Two key strands of the Brexit belief system.

“We’re ready to deny food riots are happening too,” the source adds. “But just to be well ahead of those the PM is choosing which foreign country to go on holiday too when Priti Patel is given free range to crush the starving multitudes into the dirt.”

Believe HARDER in Brexit. Embrace Brexit HARDER. If you don’t you’ll only notice the lack of food and other goods faster.

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