GB NEWS SLAMS social media companies for refusing to allow “far right salute” emoji

WE HAD A WHOLE WORLD WAR ABOUT THIS : Great Britain’s latest great national broadcaster, GB News, has aimed its laser guided fire onto the entire world’s social media platforms after a ruling in the social media companies Star Chamber.

Major social media companies had been expected to allow the use of a new “far right salute” emoji on their platforms because after all they “allow any old hateful bollocks as it is and often take far too long to remove it”, but it seems the privy councillors who adjudicate on such matters felt it would be a “goose step too far” to allow the salute emoji.

While the army of the Woke will certainly be thrilled that they have one less battle to win against the hateful idiots of the right, not everyone is impressed. Free speech champions Gratuitous Bollocks News in particular are said to be seething.

“Galloping Bunter News was established to fight against the cancel culture warriors that insist we don’t shout down anyone who disagrees with us with fabricated horseshit. The decision to disallow the open palmed salute emoji on social media platforms is another backward step for those of us who believe a lot of right thinking can be learned from the failed fascist experiments of the 1930’s.”

Gritty Ballsack News is expected to attempt to engage the services of far right superhero, Nigel Farage, in campaigning to overturn the decision.

“When Mr Farage has a break in his schedule and is not shouting at small boats we would appreciate it if he talked about this wokery gone insane on his show on the other GB News,” a representative of the fictional GB News told LCD Views.

“My quest to once again return the toothbrush moustache to popularity has been set back years by the outrageous decision to ban the far right salute emoji. The free speech of all fash is now at risk! How are we supposed to have WW3 and lose the argument all over again with decisions like this being taken?”

It’s not yet known what Mr Farage believes of the made up decision to ban the salute emoji, but the expectation he will be “fuhreous” is the most common.

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