BREAKING : Crowdfunder to buy Boris Johnson a vasectomy raises £350m in first week

FAMILIES PLANNING : The U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson stands ready to receive some much needed public support today to adhere to his own professed principles about global population control.

While many across the political divide showered the PM in orgiastic applause at the news of his latest expected blonde bundle of love, others reacted swiftly to attempt to dam the tide. And it wasn’t out of fear of what the Daily Mail would say about a serial adulterer who lives off state handouts on his third marriage with an unknown number of children.

A crowdfunder was established midday yesterday with the aim of “Buying the Prime Minister a vasectomy at the private clinic of his choice”. At the time of publication the money raised was said to be £350m. And that’s just the first week.

It’s not entirely clear who were the largest donors in the effort to stop Mr Johnson breeding, but it’s believed anyone paying attention to his personal history regarding families and refurbishments.

While there’s certainly no intention to malign his current attempts to nurture the feature, it’s felt perhaps he may like to lead by example, after previously stating in vigorous terms the danger to the world from overpopulation.

But critics of the crowdfunder have hit back and reminded everyone that “different rules apply to the born to rule than the hoi polloi”.

Additionally, the decline in the U.K. population caused by first Mr Johnson’s Brexit and now his mismanagement of the pandemic is thought as justification for him to fill the country with his offspring.

Curiosity remains however about the crowdfunder, with rumours suggesting Tory donors are actually the largest contributors as they’re “sick of paying for his nannies and re-wallpapering the nurseries”.

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