Patriots who walk the talk do not come along very often, self professed patriots even less frequently, and this is why Britain must treasure its very own resident of Singapore.
We would do well to remember the words of James Dyson’s famous ancestor, Sir Aire Blaid, at the pivotal siege of Hoover, “If victory is to be our prize we must blow the microbes all over the place”.
Precious few billionaires have been prepared to sacrifice the home comforts of England for the more tax efficient, but decidedly less well oaked landscape of the Orient. Others have chosen Monaco or the Cayman Islands.
Indeed a case can be made to award James Dyson the Victoria Cross. A medal normally reserved for distinguished service on the field of battle, but which loyal servant of the realm has fought more valiantly to free England from Brussels than Sir Dyson? They should never have crossed him in the early 2000’s. The grey men in suits knew not the dragon, slumbering on its hoard, that they woke.
Only last year Dyson promised to make ventilators from scratch, even though numerous other domestic producers were already making proven ones and could do so much faster if given the public funds.
Where would the much needed Blitz Spirit have been found in that? Indeed, only with Dyson’s intervention did we escape the clutches of the EU wide medical products procurement programme.
The Dyson project was never completed, but that’s because the ventilators had to push and pull, and James normally just deals in things that suck. And besides, we really just needed to know his ego was still present.
Which brings us to the meat and gristle of our subject. James Dyson and his products do not suck. Such is the reputation and we are prepared to stand back and blow it across these vellum sheets.
Who else would still have the brass neck to go into the press and lie to the public’s faces about the possibilities provided by Brexit? Tim Martin maybe. Boris Johnson perhaps. But no man values his independence more than Dyson. He’s so independent he no longer lives among us. That is a Brexit benefit for you right there. One you can suck up and hold and needs no bag.