A FLASH WAR OF WORDS: Tory leadership frontrunner Boris Johnson MP is expected to give a major speech on immigration, in the coming weeks, to counter the accusation that he’s just a little bit racist, sometimes.
“I’m not a racist, but I love language that brings the plaster down from the ceiling” is the anticipated opening line in what is anticipated to be a barnstorming speech of Churchillian proportions, if Churchill was an irresponsible, serial adulterer with an exceptionally loose relationship to that hot blonde known as the truth.
“Truth and me, we’re friends with benefits,” Boris is also expected to say, “I shag her senseless and get out of dodge while she sleeps! Waa haa!”
Other lines in the speech are rumoured to be taken from Mr Johnson’s catalogue of classic race focused material.
Such memorable words like when he dallied with Islamophobia, and the encouragement of it, by calling women in burqas “letterboxes” and “bank robbers”. A classic right wing riff that’s really playing to the gammon in the gallery.
And no one can forget his amazing Telegraph column in 2002 in which he wrote :
“regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies” and “the tribal warriors… [who] all break out in watermelon smiles”.
But he’s not without the human touch for his fellow men and women, no matter what border there is to cross.
Don’t ever forget his deeply moving words about the victims of the Libyan civil war when he said :
“The only thing they’ve got to do is clear the dead bodies away and then we’ll be there,” he declared, believing once all those irritating corpses were cleared away the location could be the “next Dubai”.
Perhaps he would have been a little more circumspect and brushed with humanity if those dead bodies were in a country a little more white? We can’t know.
Then there’s the casual dismissal of the risk of violence in Northern Ireland. The old colony ought to no its place. What value does anyone who is prepared to risk death and disorder there via No Deal place on the lives of the Irish?
In fact he’s got so much material to draw on to prove he’s not a racist, but, we’re going to share an article below that lists the lot.
Boris means Boris. Boris backs Brexit. Brexit is a project championed by Nigel Farage, a man happy to mimic 1930’s fascist propaganda on a poster during the Brexit referendum campaign.
Is Boris a racist? Or is he just a deeply irresponsible demagogue happy to use the language? Does it matter if there’s a difference if he encourages racism with his words and deeds? It’s not going to make any difference to the people voting for the next prime minister. And that’s a situation that puts a massive but after the values traditionally espoused by the United Kingdom.