British fisheries will thrive again once fish lose freedom of movement after Britain leaves the tyrannical snare of the EU, a report from the think tank ‘Fish are British’ revealed today.
“This is a great finding,” Mr K. Remlin told LCD Views’ oceanographer.
”All our research indicates that fish spend the majority of their time in waters where they feel most akin to the national identity of the sovereign nation which owns the water.
Given that the water can not leave the territory without permission from the elected representatives of the country, well, the fish can’t leave either. Unless the water is ruled from Brussels.”
Although only recently established, ‘Fish are British’ already has a social media army capable of sharing and tweeting thousands of posts a day and can be believed when it claims its funding is completely legitimate.
”We promote British fishing interests with the same dedication and commitment that national hero Nigel Farage has as a member of the EU fish thingy.
And we can tell you that anything you may have read about territorial waters and who fishes where, fish conservation, factory owners moving to EU27 territories and the lack of desirability of each nation unilaterally deciding what to do with a shared resource is just remoaner moaning.
Thus starting a race to catch as much of a finite resource as possible, will definitely lead to a resurgence of fishing that will make the golden era of whaling seem distant.”
So that’s all reassuring.
”When we double down on removing the right of water to move out of our territory without permission, with also taking away the right to freedom of movement of our fish, we can only envisage a thriving fishing industry for post Brexit Britain.
At least until all the fish run out.”
LCD Views promotes the definitely independent research of ‘Fish are British’ and confirm that whatever advice Mr K. Remlin bots tweet 100,000’s of times on the subject is the Brexit catch of the day.